Reflect: Merton’s Prayer for Peace
"Save us then from our obsessions! Open our eyes, dissipate our confusions, teach us to understand ourselves and our adversary."
"Save us then from our obsessions! Open our eyes, dissipate our confusions, teach us to understand ourselves and our adversary."
“If the dominant face of the Bible comes to us in traditionally masculine imagery, wisdom or ‘Sophia’ is the Bible’s more hidden counter-testimony to the hidden face of God.”
“The Child that lies in the manger, helpless and abandoned to the love of His creatures, dependent entirely upon them,,,"
"We who survive deep pain don’t need to be anyone’s hero, but we can give someone courage, in that moment, to take another breath."
"I knew the spiritual world was real, and in many ways, more real than the material world."
A guide to online services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: Have a #MerryChristmas and stay #HealthyAtHome!
Words of wisdom on "truly living" from "New Seeds of Contemplation."
The Center for Interfaith Relations is revisiting Festival of Faiths catalogues in search of insight, wisdom and inspiration. Our hope is that these written words will spur meaningful reflection and serve as a beacon of hope amid challenging times.
The Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault explains how we can relieve our agitations by allowing our thoughts to flow freely through centering prayer.
Thomas Merton's thoughts on hope from his work "No Man is an Island."