Merton Monday: ‘A tree gives glory to God by being a tree’
Words of wisdom from Thomas Merton's "New Seeds of Contemplation."
Reflect: ‘The Hill We Climb’ by inaugural poet Amanda Gorman
The Center for Interfaith Relations is exploring the written [...]
Wisdom Wednesday: Noah Feldman on Compassion in World Affairs
Harvard law professor Dr. Noah R. Feldman discusses the intersection of religion and politics and "the deep contradiction" between justice and mercy.
Merton Monday: What we are asked to do is to love
Thoughts on love from Thomas Merton's "Disputed Questions"
Reflect: Merton’s “Letters to a White Liberal”
"How is Christianity involved in the Negro struggle? Dr. Martin Luther King has appealed to strictly Christian motives. He has based his non-violence in his belief that love can unite men, even enemies, in truth."
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Wisdom Wednesday: Sharon Salzberg on our relationship with suffering
“Suffering itself is not redemptive...What matters is how we are with the suffering."
Merton Monday: Extending our hand to the enemy
Words of wisdom from Thomas Merton's letter to Dorothy Day.
Reflect: Ruminations on Thomas Merton
"Merton became a witness to the truth that God is against all forms of injustice in the world..."
Wisdom Wednesday: Pico Iyer on the change within
“The only problem is in me, and therefore, the solution is in me.”