Christy Brown’s activism is grounded in the belief that an individual and/or a community’s Health is best achieved through a balance of eight aspects of Health: spiritual, cultural, psychological, intellectual, environmental, nutritional, physical, and financial. Each aspect is interconnected, interdependent, and must always be in balance with one another. With this philosophy at heart, Christy currently serves on the board of The Center for Interfaith Relations, the Sustainable Food Trust in England, Religions for Peace, The National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Berry Center, and The Louisville Orchestra.
Christy has proudly brought energy and mission to the Center for Interfaith Relations, and helped to found the annual Festival of Faiths. Through Christy’s work and the work of the event’s many other coordinators, the Festival of Faiths has drawn thousands of attendees over the years and presented engaging keynote speakers including the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Robert Kennedy, Fr. Richard Rohr, and many more.