2011 Festival of Faiths
“Sacred Air: Breath of Life”



The Festival of Faiths observes its 16th anniversary this year, reaffirming our commitment to come together as many faiths, united in our mutual respect for each other, so that we can engage in common action on behalf of our community. Since our focus this year is on Sacred Air: Breath of Life, our common action will take the form of planting trees, nature’s stewards of the air.

The festival of faiths will offer over 60 exhibits on the subject of Sacred Air created by religious organizations, houses of worship, educational institutions, corporations, artists, medical providers, and others.

Interfaith meditation exercises will be offered throughout the Festival.

The exhibitors represent houses of worship, as well as corporations, not-for-profit organizations, the professions, and individuals, each in its own way reflecting some aspect of the Festival theme. Exhibitors are valued partners, who come from all segments of the community and who find ingenious and attractive ways to display their insights into Sacred Air. We are grateful for their diversity, and we honor them for their ideas as well as their splendid skills in art and craft.

It is exciting to think about the broad outreach of Festival of Faiths, an event without borders. This breadth is readily apparent in the programs offered during this festival. Jews, Christians, Muslims and First People, in particular, are the presenters of the scheduled programs. An even greater religious diversity is apparent in the 70-plus exhibits on display. We find it inspiring – might we say breath-taking – to stroll attentively down the exhibit aisles and mark the juxtaposition of many faiths and cultures, all united in reverent concern for the Sacred Air that gives life to us and to our planet.




The air of the outside world is not fresh air. Just to break out and walk down the Boulevards is no solution. The fresh air we need is the clean breath of the Holy Spirit, coming like the wind, blowing as He pleases.

Thomas Merton, Confessions of a Guilty Bystander