Alex joined the Center for Interfaith Relations in July of 2021, and is eager to continue the good work that has been done so far by celebrating our diversity and uniting communities. Alex has been known to jump in with a “whatever it takes” mentality; he plans on using that attitude to keep the organization moving forward both efficiently and effectively, specifically in regards to the areas of marketing, operations and technology. Prior to CIR, he worked for the Kentucky Derby Museum and Habitat for Humanity, where he did everything from project management to website development to volunteer coordination.
Outside of work, you may find Alex reading, listening to podcasts, swimming, or creating a new digital graphic or website. Alex attends Christ Church United Methodist, where he also serves in a variety of volunteer roles. Faith has played an important role in Alex’s childhood—he has three generations of United Methodist pastors in the family—and it continues to be an integral part of his daily life. He truly believes that creating unity by focusing on that which unites us can change the world, and he looks forward to learning about and from the various faith traditions in Louisville and around the world.
Fun Fact: He has an identical twin brother named Patrick, who currently works for a theatre company in Alabama.